There is a THIRD term?! Yes, you are right.

There is a THIRD term?! Yes, you are right.

The concept of “Ceasing of lessons without ceasing to learn” is a philosophy in summer holidays and it is also known as the third term in Hip Wo’s discourse. Learning should be carried on despite the long-awaited summer break. Therefore, we would like to make use of the concept of “summer school” to organize learning activities. Students can then make good use of their leisure to have themselves better equipped.We have the following six broad categories arranged for Hipwoers:

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School Prospectus


Video: Know more about our school


Video: A School Tour in Delia Hip Wo


Academic Achievements 




Delia Hip Wo Newsletter


Hip Wo Human Library


Initiation Programme for Newly Arrived Children


A Practical Guide to the Novel Coronavirus Covid-19 Prevention